Thursday, December 7, 2017

Non-Profit Status

We are really excited to announce that Buddy's Sensory Exchange now has non-profit status.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Graffix Connection Preview


We are working on a collaboration with Graffix Connection in Ashland, KY that will be available for ordering within the next few days- and I wanted to allow our readers to see the preview first!

As mentioned, these shirts will be available to order within the next few days... they will be priced at $15 a shirt, 2XL $17.

40% of every t-shirt purchased will go to Buddy's Sensory Exchange to fund the December Applicants.

Buddy's Sensory Exchange has stock of a variety of sensory equipment, however the most common requests from our December applicants are weighted vests, and weighted blankets.

Weighted Vests range in price from $25-$65
Weighted Blankets range in price from $75-$275

The more t-shirts sold, the more applications we will be able to approve!

Updated details will post once the shirts are available to order. Shirts will be available for purchase online and in store at Graffix Connection.

The Festival of Trees and Trains

Our first collaboration in Ashland, KY was with the Paramount Arts Center, Festival of Trees & Trains.

Each year, the Festival of Trees and Trains is the talk of our town, and each year, my son Logan (age 3, ASD) is unable to attend due to the sensory input. Although Logan has a compression vest and noise reduction head phones, the environment is still too intense for him to attend.

I am a big believer in "If there are no resources, create them". So I decided to contact the Festival of Trees and Trains and make them an offer. If they were willing to host a Sensory Friendly Hour with the ASD and special needs community, I would advertise, invite the special needs community members I am connected with, and provide them with a full list of suggestions for sensory hour. They gladly accepted.

Flash forward to the day of the event, I am unable to attend due to another fundraiser event. My children and husband attended, and had the time of their lives. My son was actually able to enjoy the Festival of Trees and Trains.... which is incredible.

The volunteers who coordinated this event followed our suggestions, and the event was a success.

1. The event was before business hours so there was a smaller crowd and less wait.
2. There was no music overhead on the intercom.
3. The lights were kept on instead of dimmed (typically they are dimmed to make the lights POP! I wanted to accomplish the opposite).
4. The volunteers were wonderful greeting and assisting families.

I was thrilled at all the messages and posts I was seeing on Facebook congratulating the Paramount and praising the event. I messaged the coordinator and asked how it went- she was pleased and stated that Sensory Hour would become a YEARLY EVENT at The Festival of Trees and Trains.

This collaboration took minimal effort, I simply ASKED a business to host Sensory Hour, requested therapists input to create a Sensory Friendly setting, and then advertised to the community. In return, my son attended an event he otherwise would not have been able to.

If there aren't resources.... create them.

- Carly Carver -

December Updates

Buddy's Sensory Exchange is a charitable group based in Ashland, KY.

Our priority is to improve the availability of sensory equipment to disabled children in our community. Therefore, Buddy's Sensory Exchange is now expanding our application program. Our approved applications will be divided into two categories:

1. Approved in Stock: This equipment is in stock at Buddy's Sensory Exchange.
2. Approved via Grant: This equipment is not in stock at Buddy's Sensory Exchange, but will be purchased by our organization on your behalf by grants, private donors, and additional funding.


The December Application period is open through December 29th.
Applications will be reviewed and all decisions will be made by December 31st.
Sensory Equipment will be distributed the following week (January 1st through January 6th).

Buddy's Sensory Exchange December meeting will be December 16th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
This month will have resources available from First Steps, A Brighter Future, Autism Services Center, and Pathways.
Our guest speaker is to be announced.
Santa will be in attendance at this event distributing crafts & holiday cookies to children. Please inform Santa if your child has allergies, as the cookies can not be guaranteed as allergy friendly.

I, Carly Carver, am personally very excited for 2018 and all the exciting changes to come to Buddy's Sensory Exchange and our community. Be sure to join Buddy's Community Board on Facebook at

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Central Park Inspiration

Buddy's Sensory Exchange Purpose

Buddy’s Sensory Exchange

1.      Our goal is to provide sensory equipment to ASD and special needs families who could otherwise not obtain the equipment. We will offer an exchange program where families who are finished with sensory equipment can donate their items, and families in need of equipment can utilize these items.

2.      Our goal is to host monthly meetings for special needs families and individuals. These meetings will have guest speakers from a variety of resources, provide information on resources, assistance programs, and information.

3.      Our goal is to collaborate with local businesses, schools, and organizations to promote “sensory hour” or sensory friendly events for the ASD and special needs community.

4.      Our goal is to construct Buddy’s Sensory Garden in Ashland, KY. The garden’s objectives will be to promote social inclusion, while allowing ASD and special needs individuals to explore the sensory stimuli, while educating on garden life in a sensory friendly environment.

5.      Our goal is to upgrade the disability equipment at Ashland Central Park in Ashland, KY to add two additional pieces for handicapped children to promote social inclusion.

6.      Our goal is to purchase a facility. This facility’s purpose will be to store all sensory equipment, have a physical location for drop off and “check out”, a community sensory gym, a facility to host monthly meeting, and allow local special needs groups to have a meeting headquarters.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Trick or Treat Cards

Disclaimer: I did not create these. I saw this pinned on Pinterest and wanted to share.
Great idea for nonverbal children.